
Hi this is my blog. It is wicked cool.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kayle's new mending

Yes my dearest compodres! It is yet another update! Well I no longer work as a T.A. for the office...they wouldn't let me keep A lunch...fooey. Oh well it was pretty sweet while I was there I got to learn how to fax, and I got to send notes all the time and do random stuff. I must say I kinda miss that job. Oh well now I am a T.A. for Shipman. It's not that bad, she gives me alot of papers to grade and such but I like having something to to do, it makes me feel somewhat productive. Friday was sweet. I went to the movies with Kendra and little sister Ashley, and other random people. highlights include lots of fortune cookies (Lol I ate one yesterday and it said "book lovers never go to bed alone"...not even kidding thats what it SERIOUSLY said haha), we ate some Panda Express, it was delicious. We also went to see Epic Movie. It was hilarious! There were tons of jokes about Narnia, Pirates, Davanci Code, and a few on Willy Wonka. Then yesterday I went sledding with Nick, Kt, and Kev. It was awesome! Nick hit the jump a few times on the hill. We also went sledding with a kiddie pool we found in my garage lol. Whenever me and Kt went together on a sled though we always tipped over. It was hilarious. I recieved a massive scar on shoulder and a few marks on my lower back from doing such. It's forgiveable though because it's soooo badass looking its awesome. Which reminds me I should totally take a picture of my injured shoulder cause its so sweet looking, it's like the most vicious wound I've recieved from sledding ever! Anyways so I spent the night at Kt's. We went to the school play Les Misrebles (which was a wicked sweet play!) and we watched alot of Mythbusters. I'm super excited though cause when I came home I fell asleep in the chair and I had a dream that I went on a treasure hunt for my ipod, and then like I actually found my ipod that I haven't been able to find all weekend! Yay for me! Currently drinking a jones (cap says The answer to your problem will soon be obvious to you...I'm hoping that's gonna be good thing, or like end as a good thing, cause that'd be ridiculously awesome). It's Sunday so looking to forward to watching Desperate Housewives and doing my I have to sew that one shirt I tore when I was sledding.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hoping for something great

Hello everyone. Finals went ok. After finals weekend was extra boring and I spent my days sleeping, and watching tell-o-vision such as James Blunt in concert randomly on PBS (when does that seriously ever happen?), and Mythbusters (extra special pirate episode = awesome). New semester is ok, not the best. I hope the office will let me keep A lunch since I'm a T.A. there 4th hour. Yesterday I learned how to fax stuff and today I got to alphabatize dual enrollment forms. That was pretty sweet. I'm just hoping I don't do something stupid and klutzy cause I'm just klutzy and unlucky and I could see something horrible happening despite best attempts to prevent it. So far the copy/fax machine has been nice to me though. Ceramics is alright, today I made a pinch pot. It was pretty cool. After school I hung out in Presto's room with Ash and watched the chem class's nitrogen explosion via dvd and listened to Eminem and talked about John Cusack's movie career. After that I went job hunting with Kendra (aka round the mall getting applications). Although I did get a new pair of shoes (hooray!). We also got some Panda Express. Randomly I kept the fortunes (Kendra got 3 of em for me and made me follow her tradition of eating the whole cookie before reading the fortune or else it wont come was alot of cookies to eat though lol). They read: "Things are turning for the brightside", "Believe in your abilities, confidence will lead you on", and "A kiss can beautiful souls, hearts, and thoughts". Yay me, those actually sound like good fortunes. Anyways job hunting with Kendra was hilarious she got like over 20 applications lol. Then I came home, got online and such. Now I proubly should those AP notecards...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I heart Sydney Carton

So yeah today was the first day of finals. Quite frankly it was a bee-otch. English wasn't too shabby, during the study period we watched the ending of Tale of Two Cities via VHS. It made me sad when carton died (sorry to give away the ending god forbid someone would actually want to read it...). Sydney Carton's my hero! I wish I had a guy as awesome as Sydney and I think Lucey's an idiot. Carton is way more awesome than Darnay. Plus Darnay is a complete dumbass, why the hell does he go to France! He can't help Gabelle even if he friggin wanted to, so yeah lets just go to France to get imprisoned so that way Carton will have to drug your sorry ass and escape you out of jail so you live a long happy life with your wife and child...yeah. Test was pretty easy but I kinda zoned out for part of and got behind (couldn't think of a good definition for the hero essay). I ended up having to stay like 15 minutes after the bell to finish it and I guessed on pretty much all of the vocab. Fooey. Then Barnes said something and then after that he was like "you realized I was joking right?" but honestly I had no idea what he said in the first place so. Ap was a bitch. I don't want to talk too much about it though because my intelligence feels lacking as it is and the last thing I need is for Stowers or someone else to read this and then annoy and mock me for my own stupidity and inablity to answear a "easy" question. So we'll leave at that. Came home, slept. Currently eating a rasberry turnover. Go to school tomorrow, do some math and human bio. Not really looking forward to it. Oh well till then, I shall procrastinate, maybe study bio and do a few math probs. I think I might watch a movie though, I could use a little de-stressing. Eh who knows maybe tomorrow will be a snow day and a prancing unicorn and a leprechaun and I will go sledding.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

So time consuming

Reasons why I hate school...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cheers we're going to hell! Let's ring in the new year.

I apologize for all the pictures...

Sweet. New Years was sweet. This week, not so sweet. Finals next week not so great. Watching a bunch of random movies...sweet. I memorized a whole song by Audrey Hepburn (aka: "Wouldn't it be lovely"), Night at the museum, Children of Men and Deeds goes to town aka the ORIGINAL black and white version of Mr. Deeds. Hung out with Ash today, watched fuse, went to see The Holiday (I heart Jude Law and Jack Black), awesome movie. School=lame. Survey on Epilepsy for the class that shall not be named. i HATE scantrons. Icky political cartoons. Need to do extra credit. map packet anyone? Hilarious lunch discusions. Wishing on a random spur of luck which has never happened in my life that I can switch into 2nd hour ap world. I hate school. Now I'm off to find out some fun dissorders that apparently tomorrow I'm going to be quized on in the class that shall not be named. Best stop procrastinating...