
Hi this is my blog. It is wicked cool.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Like eating glass

Hey everyone sorry my last post was so long. thanks to all who read it all the way through. Today was ok I guess. I'm trying to remember what happened at school, but quite frankly I really don't care. After school I made some muddy buddies aka puppy chow for Cullen cause he hates the cafe food. But I'm kinda tiered. Haven't been sleeping well lately. I keep having weird dreams. And not the good kinds with pirate trains and panda eggs sadly. Plus today I kept having flashbacks to when I was a little kid. I blame it on the sunshine. I went uptown to the library and rented alice in wonderland and The Beatles Rubber Soul album cause its free to rent music and kids movies from the library. I was pist off though cause whoever used the Beatles cd last scratched the shit out of it and it skips all the time. Its quite sad. What a jerk, I mean seriously who has the heart to abuse a Beatles album! And Rubber Soul too, I mean come on its such a sweet album! Stupid mean people! anyways came home ate dinner with dad, mum was on the phone and didn't eat. I think I fell asleep listening to the beatles shortly after. Took a long shower. Drank microwaveble coffee. I think I'm gonna do my math homework now and go to bed. Oh and Kt I've seen that weird video you were talking about earlier with the Panic! people, I was sad when the bride cheated with a clown. It's like Mr. Brightside with twice as much makeup. Oh and Mr.Preston I did my research and it sounds like the only way I can get ink poisoning is by ingesting like 5 pens. and well I may be stupid but I'm not THAT stupid. Right I'm tiered...math...bye, toodles.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Move Along

Hello everyone. I'm terribly sorry I haven't posted for awhile...well not really but I figured I should do one anyway! I went back and deleted EVERY post I ever made when I found out that Mr. Preston (my science teacher) and Stowers (Stowers...I do not wish to elaberate enough can be said with just the phrase Stowers that it would be far to complicated and could be insulating to several people is I said more)...anyways THEY READ MY BLOG! AND YOU CAN'T EVEN COMMENT ON IT! YOU GUYS ARE SUCH PANSIES! Ok I'm good now I proubly coulda gone further on that but since I found this out like 2 or 3 weeks ago I really don't care anymore. So since I deleted every post I'll give you a slight recap of my earlier blogger days (roughly about a years worth of posts). Enjoy these catch phrases and quotes copied and pasted from their orginal context. And considering how many people acuse me of listening to soley Green Day I sure made a FREAKISH amount of posts talking about the Killers.

Wild monkey’s couldn’t stop me. Granted

I wonder what a foo fighter is? Is it like a piolot or something? Some sort of fighter? Or is it just someone who fights foo's?

Top-o-da-mornin to ya

Green Day and The Killers should form a new band. They could be The Green Killers

I really don't know much. Don't know basic math, advance math, what to write for my English paper, I don't know why the Killers didn't get any grammy's, I thought they deserved it, I don't understand alot either. I guess thats ok. I know it's not gonna get better for a LONG time so I might as well accept things the way they are. So Shove that up your pipe and smoke it, cause I said so

Yeah you know your presentation sucks when even the teacher dosn't bother to listen anymore

Oh well go find yourself a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, or a boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend, lol the Killers rock!

I missed half of 1st hour this morning too, slept right through my alarm

So it's like a boot camp with music! ( note: In referance to kick boxing)

Oh well I'll proubly just take a nap 5th hour when I get tiered.

I really don't know to be honest (Katie named this title)

I then watched Blues Clues. Blue is so awesome but man Steve is just stupid. The little kids are way smarter than he is, I mean really it doesn't take someone THAT long to realize there's a clue!

Seriously she commented on my post about the new Killers music video and how much I loved the Killers and she asks if I listen to Brittney

Is that common logic or pure stupidity?

Plus I have to learn about the government and I don't get a say in it till I'm 18. Then why not teach it to us when were 18, you know when you actually can use the information

Sorry I'm being stupid again, I'll try and contain myself.

This is my blog. It is wicked cool.

That last one was my first post ever. Yes it was a good quality 2 sentences. I figure this is too much information to obsorb and plus I should proubly do my math homework, so I'll post later if I feel like it. So I say so long. KT I hope you feel better soon. Krissy please make shorter posts at least every now and then you know I have trouble sitting for long periods off time reading. Unless its like a magazine or maybe a romance novel. Good books are hard to come by so typically I'm never reading one. Presto see ya 4th hour. Meredith I'll see you 4th hour too and no I do not want to eat any crappy diet food I'd rather gain weight and pretend it isn't happening or just fix my self doubt by eating moose tracks ice cream. The odds of Stowers reading this are quite slim but I'll have you know I found Ashleys blog when she commented on my blog many posts ago. I thought it was quite funny. And since you googled me and KT's names I googled yours I thought that tree climbing episode when you were 15 was funny it was like "extreme tree climbing" with like ropes and pulley's and stuff. Your review about that radio station was also quite hilarious. And you need to come over and fix my mp3, although I finally did figure out how to plug in my ipod. Oh and one more thing for all you people who read this far...oh shit I just forgot...wait it'll come to me. I know it was important. I seriously don't remember. Ok I remeber now! I was wondering if you thought I should continue using lyrics for my post titles. Not that I remembered I'm gonna go now toodles my post is complete. YAY!