Those silly little synaps of mine
Well the past while has been exciting and utterly not thrilling at the same time. Came home from up north. Good ol Lake Michigan. I'm uber happy to have cell phone service again though. Ummms lets see, yesterday I went shopping. I bought part of Kara's bday present. She's gonna be 24! I'm gonna really miss my sister when she moves away. We've become rather close. She's even gotten me to listen to country music. I've spent a good portion of the past few days reading. I've also taken up a new quirk to my absurd personality and have started reading classic literature to my goldfish Monster. Spent the past two or so days feeling sullied and unusual. A rather concoction of melancholy, confusion, bitter, and pensiveness. I've been in a rather odd state of mind more the less. It is occasionally humorous and actually rather productive for a change. However normally I am so unproductive that when I say productive it means more of I have become productive to the point for where the average person would be common or just satisfactory not necessarily extraordinary. I shall not go into too many examples of my productive, destructive, determined thinking nor shall I go into detail of sulkiness or my latest traits would declare me mad or insane. I'm simply embracing every minute of it with the up most enthusiasm and admiration. Besides I'm sure it's not that exciting to tell anyways. Today has been interesting though. I went and saw No Reservations with KT and Ashley. Twas amusing. I must say it was good to have company, and the movie was entertaining as expected. Afterwards I went online for awhile but Cullen asked me to play guitar hero with him and I simply could not refuse. After that Kara, Cullen and I started a game of monopoly but gave up shortly after 20 minutes or so to which we then watched an episode of Big Love on HBO. Kara has got me hooked on the show and I find it rather interesting and am greatly looking forward to the new episode tomorrow. It's a show about a polygamous family. The main character has 3 wives and they all live in separate houses next to one another. I really like the show. Plus it's nice having a show to watch on account of most the shows I enjoy won't start till the fall. Which reminds me that Target already has the "back to school" section up...freakin pencils.
At 7:12 PM ,
Chris Latta said...
hooray for polygamy!
At 9:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
why am i not surprised chris made a polygamy comment? lol well guitar hero sounds like fun as does monopoly--although i'd need someone who was willing to play to play with! lol i love board games--we should totally have a day dedicated to just playing board games!!!
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