My psychology class is driving me insane
Ok. update i guess. Procrastinating on my psychology homework. And i counted all the vocab words I have to do. 42 freakin VOCAB words! Topped with 16 answear questions like identify the contributions of both monocular and binocular cues of depth, and explain the importance of vestibular senses and the functions of the two divisions. Yes this assignment was due today...I so did not finish...hence it will be late. Then she gave us another assignment thats due tomorrrow; it's 22 pages of reading with 9 follow up questions. Oh and lets not forget the group project she gave us which is due friday. My groups doing the eye and how it works and all that. But oh no it doesn't stop there! I still have two makeup assignments I still have to do in that class. If people ever wonder why I'm so irritable it's proubly because all that work is just for my pyschology class. I also failed (and still need to finish failing) my Ap world history test. Is it really my fault that I can't seem to remember which ancient civilization domesticated the chicken (yes this was seriously a question on the test)? You know what don't even even answear that question. Theres also a human bio test that I'm super nervous about this thursday. It's over everything we've done this year. Plus i don't often do well on Bartels test dispite the fact that I study. Things beside school were ok today. Steven was suprisingly here despite his car crash. I do feel bad that his car got wrecked, he worked so hard over the summer to buy it. I also went to my bass lesson which was pretty sweet. I told Don that I liked the who and he ended up teaching me the bass riff for summer time blues. Plus after my bass lesson I randomly saw Becca when I was walking home with my bass. Returned Breakfast at Tiffanys, rented I Shot Andy Warhol. Watched NCIS with my parents. I'm excited because tomorrow Juniors don't have to come to school till 11:20 or something cause all the other grades are meap testing HAHA SWEET! Plus I could use the extra sleep.Well this post is long enough I'll end it here.
At 2:39 PM , Chris Latta said...
what does the eye have to do with psychology? i don't remember studying it. well, maybe symbolic interpretations of something...
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