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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Party like it's 1999

Greetings! So not much going on these days. Yesterday I had my birthday party. It was really fun KT, Kev, Travis, Dill, Dom, Ash and Steven all came. Ha up yours MTV's sweet 16 I don't need a long guest list to have a party (just me haha)! Anyways we went swimming, had cake and beat the crap out of the pirate chest pinata (yes I seriously had a pinata at my party...I don't care there fun). After that we opened presents I got a fish, pirates of the caribbean book, nailpolish, a stuffed animal named Jack, a pirate fountain, Rebel without a cause, and 30 bucks cash. Thanks ya'll. Then we went downstairs and played apples to apples, played a few rounds of that. Text messaged Taylor (sorry taylor it was just too much fun), and just talked for a bit. Then KT, Kev and Steven all had to leave but Travis, Dom, Dill, and Ash all stayed to about 11:45/12:00ish and watched Saved!. So after that Me and Cullens watched Bad News Bears which was hilarious! Which pretty much sums up yesterday. Today slept in REALLY late. Watched the world cup USA vs. Italy, they tied. Went swimming for awhile. Watched some of the MTV movie award alot of the nominations sucked, and alot of the humor was really dry, cept for that skit they did on the Davinchi Code, Jimmy Fallon as Tom Hanks, and Andy Dick as that crazy Albino dude...priceless. Walked uptown got some McDonalds french fries and a pop, the usual. Picked up my pictures from me Ash and KT's girl night awhile back. The pics came out great! So yeah bored now and updating my blog. Not much else. See ya.


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