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Monday, April 03, 2006

To the Movies

Ello peoples! Greetings from the house of Kayle where i am currently eating a massive amount of hostess chocolate frosted doughnuts, accompanied by a large glass of milk. Why? Because I can. Lately I've gone on a crazy movie watching spree and in the past two days have seen Teaching Mrs. Tingle, King Kong (new edition), and Pirates of the Caribbean. Teaching Mrs. Tingle was so funny, for sure worth a rental. Plus the girl who played Mrs. Tingle was such a bitch it was hilarious! King Kong, was good as well. I really liked that movie and now have a guilty crush on Adrien Brody. I also felt super sad when Kong died. It was soooooo sad! Like seriously I can understand why people would cry in the theaters. Jack Black also did a sweet job in that film. I especially enjoyed how they kept the famous ending quote "It was Beauty who killed the Beast". And as for Pirates of the Caribbean, I love that movie and can still quote it by heart. Johnny Depp is so hot and Jack Sparrow is awesome!!! It was good to watch it again. Well not much else going on in the life of Kayle. I think I'm going to work more on writing my stories and drinking my tea (I finished my doughnuts and milk), and I am greatly looking forward to polishing Grandma's silver in front of the telle. Till next time I post I say so long.


  • At 1:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mrs. Tingle, that sounds so wrong! Oh man MSU today was awesome and plus you gotta love those guys! LOL!! CRAZY!! Well check out my blog girl, Love ya.

  • At 3:29 PM , Blogger Chris Latta said...

    yea. chocolate donuts, jack black, that quote, and the irates of the caribbean kick ass. still need to see tingle and KK.
    and i heard about the kill bill 3 thing. i hope it doesn't screw up the legacy... i do wonder how another movie can be made. how would it be kill bill if bill is dead? but if its good, i'll end up checking it out...

  • At 1:52 PM , Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...

    Adrian Brody... nice Kaylers...


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