
Hi this is my blog. It is wicked cool.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Not the brightest crayon in the box

Hello everyone. Today we had an "Ice day" so school was cancelled. Granted I did get out of a French test but I really needed to print off my EDP and email a paragraph on my American Dream report to myself that I saved to the school computer. Today is crappy because my parents as predicted my parents are being all bitchy about my grades. It's been nothing but one argument after another all day. Man it makes me feel so stupid when I try so hard and it never seems to be good enough. I hate my parents. If they are my parents. I'd rather think I was born from a bunch of rock n roll freaks, kidknapped from my loving family and put up for adoption by some criminal. It's far more comforting. Anyways on my day off I slept till like 2 in the afternoon and dreamed I was a professional swimmer (lol I was good too). Woke up went to the cyropractor. Came home. Fought with Mom about my grades again before she went to Office Max. I ended up making eggs and bacon which helped me cope with the constant reminder of my stupidity. I also have been in indulging in anything I want to drink which so far I believe has been 2 cans of coca-cola, A cup of tea (two spoonfuls of sugar and a bit of honey included), and a cup of microwaveble french vanilla coffee. I also had a bowl of moose tracks sum time ago. So after flipping through the channels on the telle I finally ended up watching the Brit Music awards. It was pretty sweet I was super happy that James Blunt won best male vocal. Green Day also won some awards and so did Kaiser Chiefs. After that I was inspired to start writing a story and so far have a page written of it. I also got bored and took some more photo's with my cheap digital camera. I finally learned that theres a self timer on it so I kinda went camera clicker happy and took alot of pic's. Here they are.


  • At 10:36 PM , Blogger PirateKayle said...

    Yeah I know.

  • At 3:08 PM , Blogger Chris Latta said...

    brits are the greatest race/nationality in history. they conquered half the world at one point. that's nuts... now to think of the worst race/nationality... anyone have any suggestions?

  • At 4:26 PM , Blogger Rock King said...

    cheers man.......were you taking the pish?
    if you look really closely i am acctualy in every pic you took of yourself

  • At 9:58 PM , Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...

    aww cutie... nice photos

  • At 9:59 PM , Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...


    Go James Blunt and Kaiser Cheifs..


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