
Hi this is my blog. It is wicked cool.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Song: light my fire, I am listening to the Doors

Hello everyone! Terribly sorry I haven't posted for so long. Thanks for all the comments on the last post, that was alot of comments! I feel so utterly special. Many thanks. And as for me liking Brothers Grimm yeah it's a bad movie but for some reason I still like it. But then again I've always been known to have a bit odd taste in things. Anyways the Feb Follies dance is coming up this weekend. I am sad to say I am not looking forward to it as initially intended. I find myself to be a third wheel in couplesville as I now call this place. Pretty much all of my gal pals either a) have dates or b) at least been asked out (and in most cases I found they're not going with their date because the guy wanted to but can't go). And when I mean all my friends I mean ALL my friends. I'm not talking just Ashley and Katie but like ALL my gal pals. ALL MY GAL PALS. I'm still going to the dance though. I got an awesome dress and really cute shoes this weekend for it. The shoes especially help me feel better and I am quite fond of them. They seem to make the whole third wheel, lonely, abandoned Kayle thing slightly less tragic. I am also sad about my Plan test results (they tell you what your good at math, science, reading, and such blah, blah, blah). Mine pretty much confirmed my suspicions of that I am REALLY stupid or at least borderline it. I am at least slightly enthused though that I finally filled out my preference scheduling sheet for next year and Lutzke signed saying I could take AP World History. Made me feel somewhat smart. Tried to learn to play my guitar this weekend off a dvd I rented from the library. It pretty much taught me nothing or at least nothing I didn't already know cept for three chords which I think I already forgot. I suppose I'll have to figure out another method to learn sum guitar skills and prevent my guitar from collecting dust. On the brighter side of things (lol love the Killers) anyways I have gotten better with my aim with the toy dart gun thingy I got at the dollar store. It's really fun when I can shoot stupid celebrity's in the head and the plucky dart thing sticks to the screen. I must say it is quite amusing and find myself to be getting quite skilled at it. And yes Presto I so did my science homework already. Hence I think I'll procrastinate a bit on my math and go play street fighter 2 on my super Nintendo, and perhaps drink a bit of hot coco. Till later, sorry if it's much later, I say so long.


  • At 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Kayle. Your not stupid; everyone does bad on the PLAN. Lol. And Wow, This is a freakin' long post; proud of you. Lol. Also, you still have your Super Nintendo? How old is that thing? And i almost stopped by today (Today being 2/21/06) but it was like already 5ish. Well, i'll talk to you later Kayle.

  • At 1:30 PM , Blogger Rock King said...

    ill come to the dance thingy, all i need is a plan ticket and my lucky where did i leave them...
    (lucky pants being eaten by a goat)

  • At 4:15 PM , Blogger Chris Latta said...

    super nintendo is the greatest system to ever exist.

    *looks around for mine. i suddenly feel like playing Donkey Kong Country 2 (greatest game ever)...

  • At 4:07 PM , Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...

    poor abandoned kaylers... I LOVE YOR CHICA


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